First of all, I know for a lot of us that college classes are about to start. For those of you who still haven't registered, check out It's an easy way to find a good teacher right away instead of finding out on the first day of school that you got a bad one and can't transfer out. There's a ton of schools with multiple reviews. If you go to one of the DCCCD schools, type in Dallas Community Colleges instead of the individual name. It's easier to find. Also for those of you new to Richland, don't go to the bookstore on campus. It's too expensive. There's a bookstore across the street(The side on Walnut) that's small, but helpful. They have everything for much cheaper, and also buy back your books for a considerably better price.
Texting & Talking In School Zones:
Not the best idea to begin with, but now it's also illegal all through Texas, not just in certain areas. I didn't know until my dad told me, but now y'all know.
My Weekly Recommendations!
Just Because: Get some sleep people! Everyone, myself included, is too occupied with their crazy schedules to take care of their bodies. Turn off the tv and take a nap!
Movie Recommendation: 7 brides for 7 brothers. Holy frickadoo, I love this movie. It came out I think before I was born. This is a real musical, the actors can dance like crazy and sing beautifully. It is hands down one of my favorite movies ever.
Donation Recommendation: As many of you know, there was a recent earthquake in Haiti that was a complete disaster. Many people were wounded or killed, and there are many more who are now without food or water. They need all the help you can give. To donate, go to There's a section in the middle that says "Haiti's Children." Click the donate now button to make your contribution.
Website Recommendation: Basically, the power of prayer. I saw the link on the back window of a car on the way to work one day. The power of prayer goes a long way!
Product Recommendation: Aloette's Restorative Enzyme Peel. I am totally in love with this product because I got instant results. No lie, it looks like some radioactive goop in a bottle, but it's awesome. It gets rid of all the dead skin on your face without pulling at or damaging the rest of your skin. It's 52% aloe vera. The rest of it is natural fruit enzymes, and it smells good too. To get a one time use for this type of product at a day spa, you pay $75-$100. We sell you a jar full of 30 treatments for $39.95. (Yay discounts!)

Instructions For Use: You're supposed to use it once a week. Spread a small amount over your face, and wait for the enzymes to activate. Usually it takes 30 seconds to a minute, sometimes it varies. You'll know because it will start to feel slick. Then rub your fingers in small(gentle, don't tug) circular motions over your face. You will start to feel little balls roll up under your fingers. That's the dead skin rubbing off. Gross, but very cool. Your face will have never felt so soft.
Don't believe me? I'll prove it! I can come show you the products and how they work in person. You can contact me at if you want to know more.
I know this blog was a bit scattered, this is why we need sleep!! I should be in bed already, sheesh. Either way, good night dearies, get some sleep. :)