Hello lovelies! I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying this rainy weather! I figure, since I'm in a good mood, I should provide a happy blog for you as well. Firstly, I want to encourage all of you to check out my previous blogs. Some of them are filled with things you can do year long, or at least seasonally. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can click the link that says older posts. I try to go through and delete the ones that are no longer relevant so it won't take so long for you guys to sort through. I have a few different things for you guys today. Also, I can't make up my mind on how to format this, so the colors are all over the place. Whatever, learn to enjoy it! :D
Firstly, I did mention a few blogs ago that I was going to talk about Watermark church. I started going a few weeks ago and it's pretty awesome. The sermons are great, and they offer all sorts of classes that I've heard wonderful things about, so I'm going to be putting one on here for each blog until I've got them all covered.
Watermark's Address
7540 LBJ Freeway
Dallas, Tx 75251
Sunday's service times are 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and for you late risers, 5:30 p.m. Right now they are doing an awesome 3 part series on conflict. The first one was last week, and seriously, it was phenomenal!
To view last weeks sermon and gets caught up, go to www.watermarkradio.com. It's the video titled Pseudo-Christianity: The Result of Dealing With Conflict Without God in Our Corner. You can watch the video, listen to the audio, download it for free, or order it.
Now, that's for the sermons and whatnot. Watermark also offers all kinds of classes- premarital counseling, as well as some for dealing with, anger, addiction, divorce, relationships, etc. I will include one or two of each in my upcoming blogs until they're all covered.
I hope to see you guys at church tomorrow! :D
Now, for my favorite part, my weekly recommendations!
Website: www.stumbleupon.com It's awesome! Whenever you get bored, it will provide you with hours of endless entertainment. You create a free account, select whatever topics interest you, then click the stumble button. Each time you do, it takes you to a new page. It's a good way to kill time and find new things.
Reminder: If you are registering for summer classes, check out www.ratemyprofessor.com . You can look up reviews on most professors, to see who's good and who sucks. Sometimes it's the difference between an A and a C. Check it out!
Book: Stuff Christians Like by Jonathan Acuff. We discovered it in Barnes & Noble last night. At first it looked like something offensive and weird, but it wasn't. Well, it wasn't offensive anyway. We stopped to read it, and it's actually awesome. It's written by a christian author, and basically takes a comical look at Christianity, but not in a mocking way. It's one of those books that you have to actually read to see what I mean, but it's worth it.
Drink: Okay normally I'm not a big drinker, particularly since I like to actually remember what I did the next morning, but I do like to taste test! Anyways, if you're a fan of fruity drinks, I'd recommend trying the tropical sunrise margarita at Chilis. It's yummy! I think it's $6.99, but it's a pretty big cup. Also, don't forget that Drinking + Driving = NO.
Movie: Big Stan, featuring Rob Schneider. It's hilarious! It is a wee bit raunchy, so not for younger kids,but definitely good for adults. You can buy a used copy for $1.20 on www.amazon.com, so price isn't an issue, and you will definitely laugh.
Product: Now normally I stick to recommending Aloette products, but I'm making an exception this time. It's called Udderly Smooth Foot Creme. Weird yes, the container actually has cow prints on it, but it's amazing! It you have gross, scaly, or dry feet, you NEED to use this!!! It's cheap and effective. You can find it in the pharmacy section at Walmart.
Store: Ross, where you can dress for less! I love that place. There's one on Centerville rd in Garland, before you hit 635. For those of you that are fond of dresses that are affordable and cute, it's perfect! They have stuff there for everyone though. The secret is repeat visits. They get new stuff about three times a week, sometimes you won't find anything, but other times you find an entire basket full. It's fun, like a treasure hunt.
That's all for now, but I really am going to try for more posts soon!