I will make this short and to the point because I...well because I feel like it. haha!
I've discovered a few happy websites that I thought I'd share with you all. You might have heard of one or two.
(for whatever reason the second link is not working right but you can type it in your browser or go to the first link, and click the other link at the top of that page) These are both along the same lines. They are filled with inspirational or sweet stories that will make you go awww or maybe tear up a bit. If you really need something to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, read away!
A popular site, and pretty self explanatory. People post their text conversations for you to laugh at, and they are freaking hilarious!!! If you need a laugh, it's perfect!
Some of these are comical, some outrageous, and some kind of sad. People post the crappy stuff that happens in their lives, and you can rate them too.
I am a big fan of this site! It's updated once a week with new secrets. They even have some books published. People from all over the place send it their secrets in the forms of an artistic postcard. Some are silly, some sad.

Happy Surfing!