Thursday, August 6, 2009

Target Zoofari Week

Okay, let's face it, Texas is a fiery abyss of heat. We spend most of our summers submerged in pools or praying for rain. Not counting this past week, rain isn't very likely, and unless you like looking like a wrinkled prune 24/7, you have to get out of the pool eventually! Sooo, what to do, what to do?

Get your butt to the Dallas Zoo! Now, unless you're in the mood for a heat stroke, I'd recommend going in the morning when it's cooler. Also, you should wear cool clothes, as in short sleeves and thinner materials so you can feel the breeze. I don't care if it's "dorky," wear sunscreen and a freaking hat! Looking like a boiled lobster is not sexy. Plus, they sell those awesome little fans that blast you with water so you don't keel over. Yay!

There's all kinds of attractions, as well as zillions of animals to go see. It's a fun place to take a date(bring extra cash though), or to go hang out with friends. It's summer time, have fun! Bring your cameras, there's all sorts of things to take pictures of, plus if I remember correctly, they have a petting zoo! It's fun! The zoo is also open everyday from 9-5, so you have plenty of time to browse.

Regular Prices:
  • Adults(12-64): $10.00
  • Children(3-11): $7.00
  • Seniors(65+): $7.00
  • free for kids under 2 & members of the Dallas Zoological Society
Extra Special Deals this week:
  • From now through August 9th, thanks to Target, you can get in for half price! It's $5 for adults and only $3.50 for kids and seniors!
  • There's also cheaper snacks in some parts of the zoo, but that part is while supplies last.

  • Parking is $5, but there's a cheaper way to go. Take the Dart Train! The Zoo is along the red line, but there is a midpoint where the blue and red line meet, so you can get there from just about anywhere.
  • Here's the perk: you get an extra dollar off your admission if you show your dart ticket!

Regular deals:
  • Every Monday and Tuesday, if you show your Dart pass, you get $3 off admission!
Go While you still can!

(These pictures are actually from my trip to the San Diego zoo but it's close enough)

Monday, August 3, 2009

For All The Women That Need A Clue

Hello readers! I hope you guys are having a great weekend. As promised, I have the second part to my blog: relationship advice for the clueless. Because let's face it, at some point or another, you're going to feel like it's impossible to understand the opposite sex.

I have spent the last few weeks trying to get feedback from you guys: what you like and dislike about your significant other, as well as date stories, good and bad. Thanks to all of you for the feedback!

Anyways, Based on all the feedback, I made some helpful "tips" for women and men. A couple days ago, a posted the list for men, today, you get the list for women. Hope this helps. :)

10 Guidelines women should follow:
  1. Men like compliments too! If you like their shirt, tell them! Everyone needs their ego pumped every now and then, not just us. Just don't choose the weird stuff. I am the worst possible compliment giver ever-I once told a guy he looked like a horse. I meant that his teeth were big & awesome, but it sounded horrible. I fail. (sorry Hayden lol)

  2. Men have embarrassing moments too. If you end up with a drink in your lap by mistake, don't scream for 20 minutes about your new pants, just attempt to laugh it off...and maybe borrow his jacket to tie around your waist, so you don't look like you had an accident. It's not like he spilled it on purpose!

  3. DO say if something is bothering you. I DON'T mean nag your boyfriend for an hour about his superman bedsheets. But if you have an actual problem, speak up. Some things need to be said. If you hold back, you might end up resenting him later, or blowing up over something trivial. It took many failed relationships for me to realize that honesty is the best policy. If he dumps you over something like that, chances are you can do better anyway.

  4. Be sneaky, but in a good way. Leave little surprises for him every so often. Be creative, little notes, a flower, or something silly that has to do with an inside joke. It's a sweet thing to do, plus most men actually do appreciate those kinds of things.

  5. Control the crazy! Okay, not all woman are mentally deranged, but let's face it, we do have our moments that will send men running for the hills. Or maybe Mars... So next time you're freaking out, or wanting to chunk a shoe at his head, hang off on that. Stop for a moment to look at things from his point of view. Take ten minutes to calm down. If things still seem funky, then by all means, proceed with the shoe throwing. I'm kidding, don't throw things at your man, it's just not nice. But do think before you act.

  6. Don't settle for any less than you deserve. It's okay to have standards. Not only is it okay, you should have them! No man is perfect, and you shouldn't expect him to be, but that doesn't mean you should settle for every man that comes your way. Make a list of the qualities that you want. If he comes close, great, if not, maybe think twice before diving in head first. Know what you want BEFORE you get in a relationship!

  7. Don't just be a pampered princess. Yes, your man should pay for things such as dates most of the time, but you should chip in every so often too. Don't take for granted all the nice things he does for you. And by all means, do nice things for him too. And for goodness sakes ladies, your man is NOT your own personal bank, please don't treat him like one.

  8. Don't bash your body. Yes, we're all guilty of it, myself included. So maybe you have a flat chest, maybe you tower over men, maybe you have hips the size of Texas(yours truly), or maybe you feel like you'll be happy if you can just lose those last five pounds. No one is perfect, and if you can't learn to accept & love yourself the way you are, you can't expect anyone else to. Instead of focusing on what you don't like, think about what you do. Confidence is sexy. You are beautiful, accept it, and work yo'self!

  9. Bust up like Martha Stewart. Minus the jail time. What I mean is, cook for your man. Please don't burn the house down. It's just something special you can do that most men will appreciate. If you're not sure how to make a meal, enlist some help, google, your mom, or maybe that friend of yours that always makes the awesome cookies. If you're not big on cooking, fine. But find something special to do for your man that no one else does.

  10. At some point, a guy is going to stomp your heart to smithereens. It's going to feel like your world has come to a screeching halt, and like nothing will ever be good again. But it WILL. When someone you fell in love with or were falling in love with for the first time decides that things aren't working, it sucks. Believe me, it really does. But I promise you, you are beautiful, and you are definitely worth the effort it takes to make a relationship work. Don't ever let anyone take that from you.

That's all for today. Coming soon, there will be all kinds of date ideas on here, as well as fun things to do with your friends. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

On A side Note: I know we have had some crazy weather lately. If you have any kitties, try to keep them inside during storms. It's hard for people to see cats in the road during the rain. We lost ours(Muffy) 2 days ago because of it. :( Keep your pets inside if you can.