Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Go To The Zoo For Just A Dollar!

Hello people! I hope you all are having a much less frustrating day than me. I'm freezing and my piece-of-crap Dvd player is refusing to work even though I need to turn my movie in tonight! Grrr! There has been a major lapse in free stuff lately, hence the lack of blogs. So seriously, if y'all know of anything, let me know! (www.myspace.com/thedailykricket)

If y'all recall, I've written a blog on the Dallas Zoo before. Today's blog has the same topic, but with new info. On November 24th, admission to the Dallas Zoo is just $1! Plus if you take the Dart Train, you don't have to pay for parking(the red line goes straight there!) For zoo hours & regular discounts, check out the original blog. Go the the search bar at the top of this page and type in zoo, it will pull it up.

Random tidbits:

Spring & Winter semester registration begins tomorrow! For those of you in college, check out www.ratemyprofessor.com. It's a very useful website, and there's tons of entries. You can look up different teachers and see if they're good ones or not. Seriously, check it out, it can mean the difference between barely passing and getting an A sometimes.

I don't know what it is about cold weather, but it makes me want ice cream. You can get a jr. cone with birthday cake ice cream(yum!) for 79 cents. Perfect to hit the spot for those with a sweet tooth. :)

You can see the zoo pictures on the older blog. Enjoy, and stay warm!