Know of a game you must buy when it comes out? Have kids who want a certain game? Get your butt to Hollywood Video on Beltline!!! Now!!! They're in the middle of a contest and Friday is the last day! Help them out by trading in your old games and/or pre ordering new ones!
To get a membership:
Don't worry, it's fast & easy. To get one, you must be at least 18(make a parent get one if you aren't). You need an I.D.(drivers license, state id, or military id only) and a bankcard(credit, debit, whatever, as long as it's not a prepaid gift card you're good). It takes maybe 5 minutes if that to get you set up with a membership. And don't worry, nothing will ever get charged to your card, as long as you don't keep your rentals for more than 50 days. Details on rentals will be in one of the next few blogs.
Pre-orders- The Basics:
You just have to put $5 down out of the total. This not only guarantees your copy in stock, but you will have totally made that employee's day(seriously). The second your copy comes in, they call you so you can come get it. It saves you the trouble of hunting all over town, and you don't have to worry about your copy getting sold to someone else. For upcoming games, the cut-off date is usually about two weeks before the release date(employees can look that up), so don't put it off! Older games are a bit trickier. Because it's already been released, the employees have to call around to see if one is in stock and can be shipped over. Most of the time, they will be able to find a copy for you, but on the off chance that there isn't one in existence, you can get your $5 back or put it towards something else. I can vouch personally for this though: they will work their butts off to get you your game!
Game Systems:
You can pre-order those too!!! The minimum on those is $10 down, and if there's already one in store you can put it on layaway if you don't have the money yet!
The Low-Down on Layaway & Trade-Ins:
If you're not sure about how layaway works, I'll fill you in. You have to pre order it, so $5 down for games, $10 down for game systems. Then you just pay it off in bits and pieces until you're done. Yes, very simple. Bored with your old games? Wanna get something new instead? Trade them in!!! And here's the extra good part, they'll match Game Stop's prices! Trade ins are not for cash, only for store credit. You can trade in your old movies too! And if you want, you can totally use your trade credit towards a pre-order!
If you want a complete list, ask an employee for a master release schedule, but here are some upcoming games you might want:

- Madden Nfl 2010-the '09 version rents out like crazy. If you liked it, you're gonna like this one too. It releases 8/14/09. Sports-football. And here's a perk, if they get enough pre-orders for this title, there will be a midnight release! Yup, you'll be able to get it as early as possible! It releases on x360, psp, ps2, ps3, and prices range from $39.99-$59.99, depending on the system.
- Assasin's Creed 2- Also a very popular game, it releases 11/17/09. Action-1st person. Releases on ps3, x360, ds, ps3, & psp.
- Final Fantasy XIII- Everybody loves final fantasy, this one releases 12/31/09. RPG-Action. Releases on ps3 & x360 only. I thought it was just ps3, but i might be mistaken on that.
- Bioshock 2- This one doesn't even come out until 11/3/09, but people are still asking about it like crazy! Action- 1st. Releases on pc, ps3, & x360.
- Call of Duty-Modern Warf 2- another type of game that rents out like crazy. Releases 11/10/09. Action-1st person. Releases on ds, ps3, wii, & x360.
- Fifa Soccer 2010- it just keeps getting better. This releases 10/20/09. Sports-soccer. Releases on ds, ps2, ps3, psp, wii, & x360.
- Wii Sports Resort- I'm pre-ordering this one, it's awesome + comes with new technology for the wii remote. The cut off date for this one is the 16th(i think), so get it while you still can. It's due to release 7/26/09. sports-other. Releases on the wii only.
There's games for every type of player, just ask!!!!
All of this applies to all Hollywood Videos, at least in the area, but the one that needs your help with the contest is on beltline!!! Go there! The address is on the flier on the blog before this one, as well as the phone number. They need 10 pre-orders and 10 trade-ins before close of business(12a.m.) on Friday. Seriously, help them out! These people work crazy hard and definitely deserve it! And remember, even if your game doesn't come out for months, that just gives you more time to pay towards it!
If you can't do it by Friday, there's still time of course, that's just when the contest ends.
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